Na próxima sexta-feira, 10 de maio, decorrerá no Auditório do Colégio Pedro da Fonseca, aberta a toda a comunidade académica, uma interessante palestra sobre a forma como as crianças e jovens utilizam as redes sociais.
Short presentation:
Raquel Lozano Blasco. As currently enrolled in the University of Zaragoza PhD program, in the field of Learning Sciences, her dissertation is focused on the transmission of gender associated values, both in the media and the social media, in young Aragonese students of Primary and Secondary education. She was awarded the extraordinary prize of the MA in Primary Education by the University of Zaragoza (Universidad de Zaragoza), as well as the prize to the best academic report of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education, awarded by the Cervantes Chair in the General Military Academy of Zaragoza, both in 2017